Equity AR
Equity AR is an AR Data Visualization and Storytelling switching between First Person View and Third Person View to build conversation and help education in Equity and Climate Change. It uses AR Foundation and Mapbox SDK to visualize different kinds of data in cities, such as heat, green roof, sea levels and income.
Mapbox is a great tool to visualize geological and geographical data in 3d space. It can not only provide the data set of the buildings, roads and different kinds of constructions in cities, but also provide the geological data like how the land surface distributed in The New York Area.
Besides, Mapbox allows us to visualize our own data, even customize the building mesh. So, I used Mapbox created many data layers around the Equity topic. For example, the heat difference in the cities, income difference in the cities. People can have further conversation depending on the subtle connections behind these data.
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Produced in 2019-2020